Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sometimes I just have odd thoughts that make us think and go Hmmmm. So I created this little blog for those times that these things occur to me. Yesterday while I was working in the backyard collecting the leaves, I was thinking about how the president of Portugal had said that they had helped addiction go down in their country by decriminalizing drug use and treating it as a health issue. I thought maybe this a good thing, but then I wondered what about the drug dealers. Do they still thrown them in jail. And it occurred to me that the reason we dislike drug dealers is because the profit on the pain and illness of others. But then I thought, "But don't doctors also profit on the pain and illness of others?" Think about it! Preacher Al


  1. You said it right that drug dealers profit on the pain and illness of others, but I'd say that doctors profit on relieving pain and healing illness of others. It's completely the opposite.

    Drug dealers could never have good intentions,
    While doctors can fail, but they can surely have good intentions!

    A doctor could have bad ones in the sense that he wishes more people would get sick so his clinic will never run out of people ... For example, now we have civil war in my country, Syria ... economy is going really bad .. but not for doctors or coffin sellers .. it all comes down to the real intentions!

    1. Issa, I agree with you in part. A doctor's oath is to cause no harm, yet in America doctors make very large salaries and some of them make that money by killing the unborn for profit in the name of supporting a woman's choice. In Ukraine those doctor's paid by the state, make very little and really do it for either the love of it or because they want to heal. In America there are doctors making as much as a million dollars a year. Some of them went into medicine because they know it is a well paying occupation.

      All this to say that the paradox is apparent or it was in that moment. I am not saying in any article I post here that it is truth, but rather something that we might think about. In my mind, a doctor whose motivation is making lots of money, who encourages people to undergo unnecessary treatments and who bills insurance companies fraudulently is not much better than a drug dealer.

    2. This tread has provoked some additional thoughts.

      Originally in America and Great Britten (I cannot speak for the greater world) hospitals came from Christians wanting to answer the problem of human suffering. Today there are still hospitals with names relating to Judeo-Christian faith. But in America, Hospitals have become for profit businesses. As a result the cost of medicine continues to grow because the demand is always there. There are elements of free market economy that are helpful but without moral restraint and motivation from God, these hospitals become places where profit (the love of money) is king.
